Marrying well

October 12, 2018

That's my father-in-law, Dr. Ed Souza. We don't live in the same town so a lot of our interaction happens over Twitter.

I've gotten to know the family I married into better since the wedding, and I really lucked out. Patrick is a great friend and coworker, and Caroline's parents are pretty great, too. I'm sure we'll fight a little but on the whole I feel I ended up with much better than I deserve.

Which got me thinking—"marrying well"—it's a phrase more traditionally associated with marriage to a man, connoting socioeconomic standing, class, and privilege.

So I can't help wondering: what is "marrying well" when one marries a woman?

I haven't fully worked it out yet, but it seems family is a big part. And maybe men can get rich through marriage, too: after all, that's part of the Goldman Sachs founding story: Samuel Sachs, partner to his father-in-law, Marcus Goldman.